Universal Periodic Review of Zambia

In May 2022, youth-led, and youth and child-focused organisations representing various aspects of sexual reproductive health and rights in Zambia convened to develop a report for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) focusing on health, specifically SRHR, HIV and GBV, concerning adolescents and young people in various settings, taking into account their evolving capacities.

This joint submission assesses the Zambian Government’s human rights record since the third cycle of UPR in 2017, and highlights some of the emerging or increasing challenges, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. It specifically assesses Government’s fulfilment of adolescent and young people’s sexual reproductive health and rights, providing follow-up recommendations on key areas of concern Government should prioritise in the coming cycle.

It further analyses Zambia’s implementation of recommendations from the previous UPR process, highlighting successes and gaps for continued implementation. Three key areas in adolescent health requiring attention were identified:
a. Increased new HIV infections among adolescents and young people
b. Adolescent and young people’s access to health services
c. Adolescent sexuality and pregnancy and access to sexual reproductive health
(SRH) education

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